A Brief History of Ballyrashane

Ballyrashane was formed in 1657 and the first minister was a scotsman, Rev. Robert Hogsyard (1657 - 73). A 'sod church' was build after 1661 at Knockinkerragh and replaced in the early 18th century when a new church was built behind Brookhall. A third church was built at Ballyrashane crossroads in 1824 but this was replaced by the current building in 1846. A memorial tower was added after the First World War.


Rev. Thomas Mullin (1948 - 78) was the author of many books on local and church history. Membership stands today at about 170 families.


(source: Prebyterians in Ireland by Rev. Laurence Kirkpatrick published by Booklink)


“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them” Matt 18:20

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